Permits & Regulations
Film Commission Cuba is an organization dedicated to the development of the independent film industry in the Cuba. Our Film Commission staff will assist you by expediting any permits that may be required for your production.
In order to receive on-location support from Film Commission Cuba, please review the requirements outlined below.
General Requirements
- A letter of intent and with company information, along with a script, storyboard or synopsis of the project.
- An estimated time period for your production in the Cuba.
- An estimated budget and indication to the amount to be spent in the Cuba.
- Film Authorizations will not be granted if the project’s content is detrimental to the image of the country and the people of the Cuba.

Immigration Requirements
- Work Visas – Film Commission Cuba must be notified of the arrival and departure dates of ALL foreign crew members in-advance of their arrival in Cuba. Film Commission Cuba will assist obtaining visas for foreign- crewmembers as well as their staff. There is no need to contact your local Cuban Embassy, as this will only prolong the process.
- Filming Authorization request for visiting foreign productions is required for all international productions and must be submitted (30) working days before arrival.
- For further information on Cuba visa and filming authorization requirements, please email us directly with your inquiry at: filmcommissioncuba.org.

Customs Requirements
- All equipment to be imported (by air and/or sea freight) will require customs clearance. A detailed list of equipment for temporary importation into Cuba is required for all commerical equipment, props and wardrobe, with wireless equipment requiring additional clearance time and approval..
- An customs manifest or equipment list must be submitted at least seven (7) working days before scheduled arrival. For further details and customs template, please inquire via email to: filmcommissioncuba.org.